06 January 2012

Outdoor Play: Sidewalk Chalk

On New Year's Day we took a walk around the neighborhood to see the colorful rangoli, or chalk drawings, that adorn the front walks of Hindi households to welcome the spirits. On holidays they are a bit fancier than usual. Ours paled in comparison, but Muffin had fun scribbling for a bit.

Outdoor Play is hosted by Greening Sam and Avery and Mama Pea Pod.


  1. What a fun tradition. Those are beautiful! Much better than the artwork that is normally on our sidewalks.
    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing the link up with your readers!

  2. It is really fun. I love watching the ladies do it. They use powdered chalk, not sticks of chalk. Next weekend they'll do it again for one of the Hindu holidays and I'll have our housekeeper do a "real" one for us. She did one last year and it was beautiful.



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