06 April 2010


When I first found out I was pregnant, I didn’t think I’d want to share all those personal details with the world. I still don’t want to share everything but I feel the need to discuss a few things. I want an outlet for soapbox rants and product reviews. I never thought I’d be a Mommy Blogger but since I’m becoming a mom in a few months, and I like blogging, it now seems like the natural thing to do.

I created a new blog because I didn’t want to take too much focus away from my other blogs. I prefer subject-driven blogs to catch-alls. Some pregnancy and baby talk will make their way into the other blogs for sure, as it pertains to life overseas or gluten-free eating. But I’d also like a separate forum for some of those pregnancy-baby-family issues. I always found talk of other people’s kids and pregnancies a tad boring if I didn’t know them personally. I’d hate to alienate anyone in my other audiences who might feel the same way.

Thank you for joining me here! Stay tuned for product reviews, crafty projects, and thoughts on the environment, health, and other pregnancy and family related issues.


  1. YAY!!!!

    I've been hoping that you would blog about your pregnancy, etc.!

    Looking forward to reading it!

    And you know what you need on your sidebar? (Although this might make you puke.) You need one of those pregnancy ticker things that tells people how far along you are. Because I read you closely, but I've forgotten. You're far enough to feel the baby move - aren't you due in August?

    Please, please do me a favor and find a pregnancy ticker that doesn't make you puke! I would love to be able to easily see how far along you are and how much longer you have, etc.

    Is this blog fair game to link to or is it on the down-low?

  2. Feel free to link to this one as well. I'm doing a slow public debut.

    And you're right about a ticker. I should get one, but I probably won't. The only reason I vaguely keep track myself is because so many other people seem to think it's important. All I need to know is that I'm Rh- so in a couple weeks I need a shot, and I need to fly out of here by a certain date or else the airlines won't let me on the planes. Baby will get here when it's ready, hopefully during the estimated time of the first week in August.



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